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Granting a deferral to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
10 Apr 2020

Kapitalbank JSCB is ready to consider the mattets of granting a deferral on debt repayment of (principal debt) and extending the payment deadlines for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Borrowers who have been affected by introduction of the quarantine regime, will be able to apply for deferred payments. The Bank will review each application on an individual basis and try to help avoid possible adverse financial implications.

If you cannot come to the Bank to get the grace period on the existing loan, you can send a photo of the application, which must be completed and have the signature and seal of the borrower (application form can be downloaded from the link), to our email: [email protected] or via telegram https://t.me/Kapitalbank_support.

The application must contain a grounded reason for extending the payment terms for loan repayments and the borrower's obligation to provide and sign all necessary documents for deferral of loan payments within 60 days from the date of the decision to grant the grace period. If the client fails to provide and sign the documents in the appropriate manner within the period specified by the Bank after the end of the quarantine regime, the Bank will cancel the previously granted grace period and return the original terms of the agreement.

Phone: +99878 148 40 08

Sample Application
/ Source: не указано / Views: 1102


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