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Corporate clients of «Kapitalbank» will be able to make payments instantly and at any time of the day!
12 May 2020

«Kapitalbank» launched a new tariff for corporate clients of Online 24/7, which allows to make sum payments within 24 hours and without breaks on weekends and holidays. The cost of the tariff is only 100,000 sum.

Before the advent of Online 24/7, organizations could only accept and send payments during business hours and only on days when banks themselves operate. Had to adapt to the bank schedules, and if the payment did not go on time, then it was possible to “freeze” in standby mode for the whole weekend. Now entrepreneurs will be able to make sum payments online within 24 hours and, moreover, instantly.

Previously, payments took place on average from 10-15 minutes - bank employees manually processed each payment. With the Online 24/7 tariff, payments are processed automatically and without delay. 

You can make instant payments through remote banking systems in the «MOBILE 24» mobile application or in your personal account on the website https://pc.bank24.uz/ 

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