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Date of publishing: 17.09.2021 y.
Time to: 23.09.2021 y.
Views: 902

If you are interested, please send a commercial offer according to the requirements of the tender documentation to the following address:

JSCB "Kapitalbank", Yashnabad branch, Makhtumkuli str., No. 1, Procurement Department of the Administration Division, 3rd floor.

Bidding deadline: 12: 00, September 23, 2021.

Contact person:
Urinboev Abrorbek - e-mail: [email protected] Mobile phone: +(998) 90 976 00 57
Tolibov Dilshod - e-mail: [email protected] Mobile phone: +(998) 90 002 05 87

1-Terms of Reference 150 pcs. Booths 2-drawing rev. 3-KB


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