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The ordering cards service update
4 Nov 2022

JSCB “Kapitalbank” offers online ordering cards for citizens of Uzbekistan: you can order a card in the mobile bank application, and get it by courier delivery, without coming to the bank office.

The updated service will start to work in November and at the first stage will be available for the capital residents. Because of strengthening of compliance procedures for individuals who are non-residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the bank is passing the applications for account opening and card issue to the service of electronic queue.

Foreign citizens will be able to make an appointment with the bank's employees in Kapitalbank mobile app through the "Electronic queue" service after passing the compliance procedures.

To make an appointment you will need:
— An Uzbek mobile operator phone number
— Scan-copies of passport page with photo and information about the applicant aading the spread with the stamp of the border crossing service of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
— Document, confirming registration on the territory of the country.

The card products tariffs for the ordering cards service in mobile application for non-resident clients have also changed. The updated tariffs are published in the "Service Tariffs" section on the bank's website.

Foreign citizens still can open an account and get Kapitalbank card not earlier than 15 days after arrival to the Republic of Uzbekistan. Delivery of cards is carried out by a courier service. The service is available in Tashkent.

/ Source: не указано / Views: 563


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