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Promotion event: MasterCard card as a gift upon opening any deposit
9 Apr 2021
Open any deposit in «Kapitalbank» until April 30 and receive a MasterCard as a gift.
«Kapitalbank» offers profitable deposits in national currency and foreign exchange with various conditions:

«Oltin Kuz»
«Euro Lux»

MasterCard Standard card will be a bonus when opening a deposit - an irreplaceable assistant when traveling to Europe.

Deposits can be opened both in the bank and online through «Apelsin» mobile application in a couple of minutes. When opening an online deposit, a MasterCard card can be obtained at any «Kapitalbank» branch.

The promotion is effective until April 30.

For further information about the conditions for opening a deposit contact +99871 200 15 15.
/ Source: не указано / Views: 897


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