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“Kapitalbank”: supporting young people, creating job places, helping to build careers!
29 May 2020

Young brains are the main capital of our republic. It’s not enough to flame up these brains - it’s important to maintain this flame. Therefore we need conditions in which young specialists will be able to elicit their potential and, without resting on the ceiling, continue to grow, personifying their most challenging ideas. It often happens that university graduates, having received a diploma, are left behind the labor market. Having no adequate relations, experience or understanding where to move on, they waste all their fervor in search of their place in life.

“Kapitalbank” has launched comprehensive work to support students and graduates of universities. Over the past few months, memorandums of understanding have been concluded with Inha University and Plekhanov Russian Economic University. The objective of “Kapitalbank” is to encourage the growth of young professionals, create jobs for promising graduates and give a boost to their careers.

As part of the memoranda, “Kapitalbank” developed a grant system: the most successful students will be able to receive financial support from the bank. Leading specialists of the bank arrange online conferences with students, where they make presentations, talk about the features of work in various departments of the bank, about the peculiarities in the IT field or, for example, what “Big Data” is.

“Kapitalbank” will always support young talent. Promising interested graduates will be able to accomplish an internship and get a job at “Kapitalbank”, where team-oriented industrious personnel is waiting for them and with proper diligence graduates will have a rapid career growth.

Currently “Kapitalbank” is working with two universities, and this is just the beginning. The Bank seeks to support and encourage as many motivated and talented young people as possible.

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