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Exporting companies will get cashback from Kapitalbank
9 Apr 2020

Uzbek companies export their products to more than 140 countries, ensuring inflow of currency into the country's economy. However, like everyone else, exporters today face huge challenges and rising costs.

To support exporters and mitigate adverse impact of coronavirus pandemic to the economy, Kapitalbank has turned back to zero the Commission on transactions related to purchase of foreign currency from exporters, which previously amounted to 0.1% of currency amount sold to the Bank. In addition, the Bank introduced the cashback of up to 30 soums per 1 US Dollar depending on sales. That is, today, instead of paying the Bank a Commission on their export earnings, exporters get money from the Bank. Moreover, they get up to three times more than they have paid the Bank before.

“We have been for many years in the business of logistics services exports in transportation,” says Khumoin Tashmatov, Director of Sardar-Tashkent LLC. “Against a backdrop of the pandemic, we, like everyone else, are experiencing a lot of problems and looking for ways to minimize financial losses. We have always paid banks a Commission of 0.1% of currency amount sold to the Bank. And if we used to work with several banks, now we have been switching all export contracts to Kapitalbank, because their service has become not just free for us – we even get an additional cashback from Kapitalbank for every dollar attracted from abroad. This is, of course, profitable for us and any exporters."

And one more news: now legal entities, like individuals, can also become clients of Kapitalbank without visiting the Bank. For any details please call during business hours to the Specialized Contact Center of Kapitalbank for legal entities: (+998) 78 148 40 08

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