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The three-day exhibition BankExpo has come to an end. It was devoted to financial and banking services in Uzbekistan and annually brings together the best specialists in the field.
04/15/2019 16:19:10
Representatives of large corporations, such as SWIFT and Oracle, who shared relevant information and solutions to modern financial and technical problems, rose to the stage of the conference hall.

During the exhibition, participants were awarded for successful work in various business sectors. Kapitalbank JSCB won in the nomination "The best bank in deposits in foreign currency." If you are not yet using this service, please note — this is a modern and secure way to keep your savings.

Events such as BankExpo have a favorable effect in terms of assessing the company against the background of the local and international market. We managed to adequately demonstrate our achievements and noticed a lot for future development. Of course, this will favorably affect the service of our customers, because by combining goals, we achieve success!

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