Time to: 12:00 10.10.2023 y.
The products should meet the minimum technical requirements and parameters specified in the detailed description;
If you are interested in this tender, please send your bid subject to the following conditions:
1. Terms of payment – 15% advanced payment, 85% - within 10 business days after delivery.
3. Currency of payment – UZS (Uzbek Soum);
4. Time of delivery – in accordance with the bid.
5. Warranty – at least 12 months.
The deadline for submitting bids is October 10, 2023, 12:00, in properly inscribed, sealed envelopes.
Address: 1 Makhtumkuli Street, Yashnabad Branch of the JSCB Kapitalbank, 3rd floor, Procurement Office, the Administrative Department.
Improperly inscribed (having no marks or name of the tender) bids or those containing insufficient information (about the bidder, terms of delivery, terms of payment, VAT) will not be accepted for consideration.
Dostonjon Dusmurodov’s e-mail: [email protected] Mob.: +(998)90 370 00 65
Abrorbek Urinboyev’s e-mail: [email protected] Mob.: +(998) 90 976 00 57
Dilshod Tolibov’s e-mail: [email protected] Mob.: +(998) 90 002 05 87
Terms of Reference for outdoor advertising structures of branches