Should you be interested in, please send your quote subject to the requirements of the tender documentation to:
1 Makhtumkuli Street, Yashnabad Branch of the JSCB Kapitalbank, Procurement Division of the Administrative Department, 3rd floor.
Quotes shall be submitted until January 27, 2023 at 12:00 latest.
Abrorbek Urinboev, e-mail: [email protected], mob. tel.: (+99878) 148 40 05, (11 219); +(998) 90 976 00 57.
Dilshod Tolibov, e-mail: [email protected], mob. tel.: (+99878) 148 40 05, (11 396) +(998) 90 002 05 87.
The terms of reference – one hundred (100) ATM booths