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The migration of plastic cards is continuing
25 Jul 2020

The migration of «Kapitalbank» plastic cards issued before April 2019 is continuing throughout the Republic. We would like to remind you that migration is needed for removing the “tie” of the plastic cards which makes them tied to “their” branch. After facilitating the migration, the plastic card can be freely serviced in any branch of «Kapitalbank».

Some plastic cards have already been migrated, and some will be migrated today. The migration of plastic cards issued by Nukus branch will start at 4 PM. Also, within 24 hours, cards issued in Kokand, Namangan Fergana, Termez, Bukhara branches, and Tashkent (head office and Yashnabad branch) will be migrated.

Because of this issue, today, holders of the plastic cards undergoing migration may experience difficulties with transactions. However, most of the works will be carried out at night, so we hope that the migration process will go unnoticed.

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