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Plastic cards will no longer be linked to "their" branches
18 Jul 2020

The Uzcard cards issued before April 2019 were automatically linked to the branch where they were opened. This caused discomfort for clients – every time when they needed to get a statement of the account, replenish it and reissue or close the card, they had to go only to their "own" branch. Now you can solve these issues in any branch of Kapitalbank, immediately once we complete technical works.

Starting from June 18 and within 20 days, we will gradually "migrate" cards from the "native" branches to the "unified" field. It will not matter which branch your cards are opened in – you will be able to get service in any branch of Kapitalbank. The migration will target salary cards issued between early 2018 and late 2019. After migration, the client's status in the Apelsin app will change from "Anonymous" to "Identified", and thus the clients will have full access to the app's set of functions.

Don't worry, because the procedure takes an average of only a few hours, and the works will be performed at night. In rare cases, it may take longer. The Bank's staff will try to do everything as unnoticeably as possible. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Migration schedule:
  • 18.07.2020 - Sergeli Branch (01042);
  • 19.07.2020 - Tashkent City Branch (00445);
  • 20.07.2020 - no migration will be done;
  • 21.07.2020 - Bukhara Branch (01082)
  • 22.07.2020 - Yashnabod Branch (01136)
  • 23.07.2020 - Nukus Branch (01038)
  • 24.07.2020 - Chorsu Branch (01033)
  • 25.07.2020 - Operations Department Branch
  • 26.07.2020 – Mirzo Ulugbek Branch
/ Source: не указано / Views: 1072


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