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«Kapitalbank» maintains safe conditions for visitors and customers at its branches
13 Aug 2020

During the entire quarantine period, “Kapitalbank” JSCB continues to operate in all regions and render a full range of banking services. With the aim of ensuring safety of customers and visitors of the bank, special conditions have been arranged that meet all sanitary requirements. However, it is crucially important to remember that safety depends on each of us.

When we come to the bank, we ask you to follow a few simple rules that will help keep you and your loved ones safe. Please, keep a distance of minimum 1.5 meters with other people. Wear a face mask and do not remove it. Use hand sanitizer as often as possible.

To make it easier for you to follow these rules, there are security personnel at the entrance of each branch who measure the temperature and treat your hands with a sanitizer. There is a dispenser with a sanitizer at the entrance, which you can use at any time. In addition, you can observe special markings that will help you determine the distance between people by eye.

Be careful and take care of yourself!




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