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Business hours during holidays
17 Jul 2021
Dear customers, we are informing you about the changes in the business hours of "Kapitalbank" after Kurbon Hayit holiday.
  • July 17 (Saturday) - full working day
  • July 18 ( Sunday) - day-off
  • July 19 (Monday) - full working day
  • July 20 (Tuesday) - day-off
  • July 21 (Wednesday) - day-off
  • July 22 (Thursday) - day-off
  • July 23 (Friday) - full working day
  • July 24 (Saturday) - full working day.
  • July 25 (Sunday) - day-off.
From July 26 we continue to operate regular business hours.
/ Source: не указано / Views: 928


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