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0% acquiring fee for 3 months from JSCB "Kapitalbank" and ARCA
2 Nov 2022

Commercial bank "Kapitalbank" gives free acquiring and registration for ARCA POS-terminals. So, entrepreneurs can start to accept payments by UZCARD cards, saving 0.2% on acquiring fees.

Offer is valid only for POS-terminals PAX A930 for legal entities and entrepreneurs registered in Tashkent. Term of action is from November 1 to February 1, 2023. The action does not apply to rent a right to buy PAX A930 terminals.

Via ARCA, terminals are available payments by cards of leading international payment systems: VISA, Mastercard, Unionpay, and also Uzumpay - new method of payment by QR-code, which allows you to make a quick payments for purchases using your smartphone and get all the fiscal receipt.

We are waiting for you in our branches!

/ Source: не указано / Views: 8518


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