Marvelous musical show-program initiated by Visa Kapitalbank graced the Sunday night. The event with the participation of pop stars was dedicated to the results of money drawing from Visa Kapitalbank.
The lucky holders of the certificates with the largest amounts of prizes were invited to the ceremony and came on stage with representatives of Visa Kapitalbank.
The show was “flashed” by Shohrukhon, Khamdam Sobirov and Raykhon.
The bravest spectators took a part in the constest, showing their best “moves” and voices with the branded awards fron the organisers.
In order to take part in the campaign where 59 money prizes were randomly drawn, the cardholder had to make at least one purchase of at least 200 thousand sum or $20 by Visa Kapitalbank cards before October 15.
Still, those who didn't win anything shouldn't be disappointed as new events from Visa Kapitalbank are about to be released.
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