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JSCB Kapitalbank has opened a banking services office in a new format.
19 Oct 2021
The first office of its kind has been created for comfortable and prompt customer service.

The Chilanzar Banking Services Office (BSO) is located between two exits from the Chilanzar metro station - at the intersection of Bunyodkor  street and Small Ring Highway.
Despite its light construction and relatively small area, the office is a full-fledged branch of Kapitalbank and is fully ready to promptly provide retail banking services to customers and legal entities running small businesses. A wide range of services is available in DSO: opening and replenishment of UZS and foreign currency cards, making payments and money transfers, withdrawing cash from accounts, opening deposits, as well as issuing loans to small businesses.

It is planned to open similar offices of a new format in all regions of JSCB "Kapitalbank"'s  presence.

We strive to develop the bank's infrastructure in order to create high-quality banking services within walking distance.

Address of Chilanzar BSO: Tashkent, Chilanzar metro station, exit to Chilanzar-C (KFC, Korzinka).

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