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In order to optimize the process of consideration of lending applications of corporate clients, JSCB “Kapitalbank” introduced the underwriting system.

Underwriting is a procedure for independent analysis of a lending transaction structure and the client's creditworthiness.

The underwriting system provides:

  • Loans for replenishment of working capital, acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets, works, services, payment of customs duties, as well as assignment of creditor's rights from other banks in favor of JSCB Kapitalbank;
  • Bank guarantee.

Loan amount:

1) For branches located in Tashkent:

- from 2.5 billion UZS to 10 billion UZS or its equivalent in a foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- under guarantees - up to 10 billion UZS or its equivalent in foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

2) For branches located outside Tashkent:

- from 2.5 billion UZS to 5 billion UZS or its equivalent in foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

- for guarantees - up to 5 billion UZS or its equivalent in foreign currency at the rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Loan period:

loans for working capital, acquisition (payment), work, services and customs payments - up to 18 months.

loans for acquisition (payment) of fixed assets, intangible assets - up to 36 months.

Early Repayment – Allowed, penalties and commissions for early repayment are not collected.

LOAN SECURITY - pledge of property, including belonging to the third parties - both legal entities and individuals, can serve as the security:

  • real estate;
  • vehicles;
  • deposit (in national and/or foreign currency);
  • special equipment;
  • equipment;
  • guarantee of a commercial bank or insurance company;
  • third party guarantee;
  • insurance policy in favour of a commercial bank for risk of borrower's failure to repay a loan;
  • other liquid property.


  1. Consultation with a bank specialist
  2. Consideration of the package of documents
    • If the project meets requirements of "Limit-underwriting" credit product passport and approval of the branch’s positive decision
    • If the project does not meet equirements of the Limit Underwriting loan product passport, the client can contact the corporate lending department
  3. Underwriting approval
  4. Inspection of a proposed collateral and business location
  5. Registration of application on the basis of a complete package of documents for consideration
  6. Collecting a package of documents


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